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The Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University


The hospital is a comprehensive tertiary first-class hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, health care, rehabilitation, and first aid. It is a member unit of Asia International Rescue, a national baby-friendly hospital, the first batch of nationally assured demonstration hospitals, and a national drug The clinical trial institution, the Ministry of Health Endoscopy Training Base, the Ministry of Health Coronary Heart Disease Interventional Therapy Training Base, the Chinese Medical Association Laparoscopy Endoscopy Training Base, etc., are Hebei Province's emergency, nursing, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, medical records, anesthesia, medical imaging, Nuclear medicine, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, human assisted reproductive technology, ophthalmology, vascular surgery and other 12 provincial-level medical quality management and control centers.   

The hospital currently has 80 medical departments and 19 medical technical departments. The hospital has 2,816 beds; in 2016, the total number of outpatient and emergency treatments was 2.43 million; the annual number of discharged patients was 150,000; and 30,000 large and medium operations were completed. The hospital is full of talents and strong technical force. There are 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 high-end talent in Hebei Province, 42 doctoral tutors, 331 master tutors, 33 experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council, 4 experts with special allowances from the Hebei Provincial Government, 11 provincial experts, national There are 1 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions, 31 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the province, and 18 "three-three talents" project experts in Hebei Province.